Reporter. Data Nerd.

I spend hours reporting, analysing data and research to write clear, concise and moving journalistic reports. Here are some of my published works

About Me

I am a senior correspondent covering women and work for Behanbox. Over the last 7 years, I have reported extensively on issues of gender, labour, health and climate. I want to re-imagine gender reportage in India and write at the intersection of gender, caste and disability.

I have won the Laadli Media Award for Gender Sensitivity, the Likho Award for Excellence in Media and worked on a series that won the Society of Publishers in Asia Award for excellence in reporting on women's issues. I  have received several national and international fellowships and grants, including from the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF), International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and Populations Reference Bureau (PRB)

My reports have been published in The Fuller Project, Foreign Policy,, Nikkei Asia, Article 14, The Third Pole, IndiaSpend and Behanbox. I have a postgraduate diploma from Asian College of Journalism and I did a 10-week course on data journalism, coding and visualisation from Columbia University.

If you want to read more of my work, explore the tabs on the right.